This Hum


This Hum


12” x 9” x 3/4” deep.

Oil on ready-to-hang wood panel.

Between the thrumming of these feathers,
between the pulse and heat
of our two soft-taut bodies,
between the raucous outpouring
of our quietly birthing souls -
it looks like there is a space,
a gap that

But we know, you and I -
there is no space between
the light that illuminates into forever,
the eros that unfurls into a glimmering dark,
the lucidity of this bright awakeness.

We plummet, we plunge
into mud and thickets,
thorny and brackish worlds.
We even get lost and we
tempest and pit ourselves against
one another.

But always
this hum rings onward
and outward
and forever
and in the deepest pitch
of the most ragged night
we know ourselves
as this undying brilliance,
a radiance beyond body-edge
and thought-death
and you
and I.

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